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Over the course of this school year, students from all over the district have participated in a special art contest. Students from Kindergarten to High School created works of art that evoke empathy and understanding. A wide range of art was accepted, from poster sized artwork, ceramic bowls, and 3d welded sculptures.

Each entry was judged inside its age bracket (1-2 grade, 3-4 grade, 5-6 grade, middle school, high school), and overall district winners were selected.

Congratulations, Janelli Castro of Franklin Elementary for your outstanding and meaningful work of art!

Janelli’s piece shows us how powerful a helping hand can be for someone who is sinking. The colors she chose represent the life and vibrancy that someone can feel when they are at their best, juxtaposed with the paler colors on the sinking figure, reflecting the feelings someone has when they need a steady helping hand in their life.

Janelli’s teachers consider her a hard, creative worker who always thinks about her approach in a creative way. Some might see her as a perfectionist, but she believes she just has the drive to create something that is worth appreciating, and the ability to determine whether she needs to restart from scratch.

This is the third article of a four part series about the District’s Empathy Art Contest. Read the first and second article, and stay tuned for the upcoming pieces. 

La empatía en el arte: Janelli Castro, ganadora del 5º y 6º grado de la escuela primaria Franklin

A lo largo de este curso escolar, alumnos de todo el distrito han participado en un concurso de arte especial. Los alumnos, desde el jardín de infancia hasta el instituto, han creado obras de arte que evocan la empatía y la comprensión. Se aceptó una amplia gama de arte, desde obras de arte del tamaño de un póster, cuencos de cerámica y esculturas soldadas en 3D.

Cada obra fue juzgada dentro de su categoría de edad (1-2 grados, 3-4 grados, 5-6 grados, escuela media, escuela secundaria), y se seleccionaron los ganadores generales del distrito.

Enhorabuena, Janelli Castro, de la escuela primaria Franklin, por su extraordinaria y significativa obra de arte.

La obra de Janelli nos muestra lo poderosa que puede ser una mano amiga para alguien que se está hundiendo. Los colores que eligió representan la vida y la vitalidad que alguien puede sentir cuando está en su mejor momento, yuxtapuestos con los colores más pálidos de la figura que se hunde, reflejando los sentimientos que alguien tiene cuando necesita una mano amiga firme en su vida.

Spencer Tuinei
  • Communication Specialist
  • Spencer Tuinei

Last night, the Provo City School District Foundation hosted their annual Evening of Excellence, to...
